Keith Ellison Accuser, Karen Monahan, Says Democratic Party Doesn’t Believe Her

by Hanna Bogorowski


Karen Monahan, the woman accusing Minnesota Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison of domestic abuse, responded to a Twitter user on Monday who asked if Democrats believe Monahan’s allegations, saying they don’t, and that she’s been threatened and isolated from her own party.

The user was following up on a tweet about Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

Peter Daou, a Democratic strategist and former advisor to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, tweeted on Monday that Ford will be “attacked, smeared, and demonized” and that people must “BELIEVE WOMEN.”

A Twitter user named Rose responded to Daou’s tweet, saying, “Democrats say believe women, do they believe you….” in reference to Monahan, who claims Ellison violently dragged her off a bed and yelled “Bitch, get the f*** out of my house” in a heated argument the couple allegedly had in 2016.

“No, they [Democrats] don’t,” Monahan responded back. “I’ve been smeared, threatened, isolated from my own party.”

Monahan has not appeared to receive the same international attention that other women have received in recent months as more women come forward with allegations against a myriad of men, from Harvey Weinstein to Missouri Republican Gov. Eric Greitens to President Donald Trump.

“Four people, including my supervisor at the time, stated that I came to them after and shared the exact story I shared publicly, I shared multiple text between me and Keith, where I discuss the abuse with him and much more,” Monahan continued on Twitter.

“As I said before, I knew I wouldn’t be believed.”

Daou is just one of many who have aired their support for Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempting to drunkenly force himself onto her during at a party in high school, according to reports first issued by The New Yorker on Friday.

The allegation came one day after Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California released a vague statement referring to possible misconduct in Kavanaugh’s past.

Calls to delay voting on Kavanaugh, which was set for Thursday, have been growing since Ford came public with her previously anonymous accusation.

Some Republicans said the timing is a political attempt to derail Kavanaugh rather than a sincere effort to address sexual assault, as the allegation is from nearly 35 years ago.

Monahan has insisted her decision to come forward against Ellison, who is also deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, has no political ulterior motive and is for her own personal freedom and to help other survivors.

“I have nothing to prove to anyone, I simply shared my story. People can believe it or not. I don’t need anyone to affirm my humanity, I affirmed it,” she tweeted.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to Monahan and will update if a response is received.

Ellison has denied allegations of abuse against Monahan.

Hanna Bogorowski is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Hanna on Twitter.












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4 Thoughts to “Keith Ellison Accuser, Karen Monahan, Says Democratic Party Doesn’t Believe Her”

  1. Randall

    Democrats won’t attack their own

  2. Ron W

    The leftist fascist Democrats are indeed anti woman. They only USE them IF it helps them gain or keep power to rule over them.

  3. Silence Dogood

    They do believe her. They do not care. Women are property to them. And yet women continue to vote for Democrats.

  4. Bill

    Would we expect anything less from a party that promotes murdering innocent babies and then putting their body parts on the auction block? Or maybe the same party that supports homosexuality and gender confusion? This type of leadership is straight out of the playbook of hell itsself. So, I’m not surprised this is being lady is being ignored and Ellison is carrying on with his agenda as an Islamic terrorist would. After all, women are merely reproductive instruments for the nation of Islam. Now we see the picture very clearly.
